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cleaning up the mess

I am in Grand Junction now, but before I left I spent three days sorting and organizing the fabrics. This is an exercise in futility because it will look like this for about five minutes. But it is something I have to do a couple of times a year.

This is the tip of the iceberg. And this is one that doesn’t melt.

I am in Grand Junction now, but before I left home I spent three days trying to get my fabrics organized. It doesn’t matter that they cannot possibly stay that way; I am still compelled to do it.

Here are those scraps afterwards.

And then there were the African fabrics.


and two bins of solids. Here are the large pieces.

and the smaller ones.

This is as far as I got. The rest of the bins will wait till I get back

to this.

In the meantime, I am teaching surface design for the third time in Grand Junction, Colorado. I can’t tell you how happy I am to see my old friends who took my classes years ago! pure joy. And I love meeting the new people from this year’s group. We are printing with screens

and paint, using random stuff, paper, tape, and glue. I don’t teach it anymore because the shipping and schlepping of supplies is too difficult.

I made an exception for my loyal Grand Junction friends, but in the future I may consider offering this and deconstructed screen printing in my Florida studio for small groups. If you would be interested, let me know and I’ll keep you posted.

It was worth the three flights to get here.




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