YES, I AM BACK.. Hand problem finally diagnosed and I am due for hand surgery in July. Will be happy when the left hand is no longer...

I'm Moving!
Have been working on a shiny new website and blog, as I have menitoned to you. It's almost ready so the next time you go to the link...

Bad news and Good news
Bad news is, I hope, over. I have had huge email problems for months and have not been able to receive or send because there have been...

Did You Miss Me? I AM SO SORRY
I just wrote a whole blog post to bring you up to date on why I have not been able to blog for a couple of months and WIX lost the post...

Making order out of chaos. (or not)
If you wondered where I have been, it's been crazy here. First, I was in New Jersey visiting my kids and grands. Then when I got back...

Happy party to me
Thanksgiving week my 3 wonderful offspring, (Jeremy, Jessica, and Hilary in front) hosted the best birthday party of my life! It was...

Working at home
Sigh... I spent the second of two days attempting to make order out of the chaos that is my studio. I moved tables and fabric bins. I...

Now, where was I.....?
I have decided that I have an attention deficit issue, which has accelerated as I reach the end of my Nth decade. If I'm interrupted...

What's in a name?
With thanks to William Shakespeare for letting me borrow this line to talk about quilts... I have finished putting sleeves on five of my...

Ice cream and other nonsense
Melissa Clark's NYT ice cream base recipe is where I always start (and modify) no matter what flavor I'm making. I make a quart of ice...

the joys of travel
Well, the last time I flew it was before March, 2020. At that point, a couple of my 2020 teaching trips were rescheduled -- one to...

making progress...
Yes, I've uploaded my videos and text to the Creative Spark drive and feel as though I have finally gotten somewhere with my class...