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Now, where was I.....?

I have decided that I have an attention deficit issue, which has accelerated as I reach the end of my Nth decade. If I'm interrupted while I am working (task A), I figure I had better do the thing I was interrupted for (task B), before I forget. Then after I do task B I remember that I have Task C waiting for which time I have forgotten about Task A.

My children are worried about me, and I tell my partner Phil to just put me away. But he laughs. So then I discovered that it's not dementia -- it's Fibro Fog. What a relief! I've had fibromyalgia for 30 years and now, for various reasons, Fibro Fog has descended:-(. It's kind of like Chemo Brain, which I had 20 years ago. SO - ADD has kicked in and I'm so relieved that it's not dementia. LOL.

BUT this is not what I set out to blog about.

I've been in the studio, truly unable to work. I get sidetracked cleaning up the mess and that's the end of that. So today, I am at home, thinking about getting some sewing done. But instead, I'm writing this. (probably task D). So here's task X... Showing you the genesis of a block so you are motivated to PLAY and cut up your orphan, boring, random, un-used experiments.

I have been on a triangle journey (intermittently) for quite a while. (IMPROV triangles, of course). I tend to work in spurts, making triangles like crazy and then putting them aside till I can figure out what to do with them. Occasionally, I look at the bag of random triangle blocks and use them to make a quilt.

Then there are the ones that make me wonder what I was thinking.

Bleh. so I stacked these two and decided I couldn't make them worse. (I was right).


P.S. (Excuse the threads -- they are on everything.**An elegantly dressed woman once came up to me in the aiport lounge at LAX after I had just finished teaching. "Ex-cuuuse me, did you know you have a thread - uh...?" (and she pointed at my derrière). I said "oh, I'm not surprised." And she just stared at me, speechless. End of true story.

A few slashes later, some possibilities opened up.

I sliced a few other triangles I had lying around and added to the first two, sewing them together. Then what?? Uh - lots of options. I could have added strips around the outside - or who knows what else. Instead, I laid the reconstituted block down on a square of newspaper and added around it to see what would result.

Improvising (naturally), I picked up some fabrics that were lying around (EVERYTHING is lying around in my studio. Marie Condo would not be happy).

And I just added a few more pieces of fabric

until it pleased me.

That's all there was to it. Making it up as you go along can lead to some wonderful things. (or not, in which case you cut up them again LOL).

Think I'm done blogging today. Time to get back to task A (if I can remember what it was).

If you leave me a comment, it will make me very happy.




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