today kept its promise
It promised to be an annoying day and in fact, it was. I was so exhausted last night that I went to bed around 9:00 and unbelievably,...
odds & ends
My quilt for Usha is at the sewing machine but it's late and I'm too tired to dare sewing. I am into the wee hours, no doubt because I...
Quilt Fever?
If there is such a thing as working feverishly off-and-on, I've been doing that for the past few days. I'm making a quilt for Usha (with...
stone soup
Last weekend we went to the farmer's market. I stocked up on the last of the NJ strawberries (which, I admit, looked better than they...
new website, new blog, and a content question
I was an early adopter of blogging; been writing since January 2005. I used to blog pretty much every day -- last thing before I went to...