Don't you hate it when a piece of art has the title of Untitled? I do. Is that the actual TITLE or is it just a statement that the...
puttering around...
THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 20: I has been one of those "I've been busy but I haven't done anything" days. At least, it seems that way. To...
Today's news!
I'm excited to announce that my new book, Create Your Own Improv Quilts, is ready for pre-order. After two years of work and...
where are these blocks??
Did I throw them away? Lose them? Take them apart? Throw the pieces into a box? Probably all of the above. I came upon a load of photos I...
working hard or hardly working?
Both, depending on what time it is or what your point of view is. Right now, bleary-eyed and mushy-brained because it is already...
vintage quilts, etc.
It has been a busy Saturday. We took ten more bags of books to donate to the College Women's Club book sale. They raise about $50,000...
the Blog Gods ate my last post
Vamoosed. Gone. Disappeared. Vanished. Oh, well -- it wasn't that important and even though it is invisible today, you saw it yesterday...
Happy Fourth of July
I don't know about you, but I am very tired of hearing the noise of fireworks for the last four nights. For some insane reason, the...
an archeological dig
More or less. A few times a year, when I can't see a horizontal surface, I start the clean-up process. Yesterday was one of those times....
Read More
This is a short post that doesn't require you to go to READ MORE. Are you having trouble getting to the rest of my post when you click...
where have I been?
Home, for the most part, and in my sewing room for much of that time. I am finally putting the facing on the quilt I have been working...
on deck
Or rather, on the deck. Finally, the weather is beautiful - hot, not humid, and sunny. The climate change gods are taking a break (at...