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where are these blocks??

Did I throw them away? Lose them? Take them apart? Throw the pieces into a box? Probably all of the above. I came upon a load of photos I took while I was experimenting over the past couple of years and thought you might want to see a few of my many trials and errors as I played with rectangles. These are audtions and I either go ahead with an idea, tuck it away for the future, or ditch it altogether. In any case, it's good to have the photos to jog my memory.

No idea what became of this one. Boo hoo, I wish I knew.

experimental blocks made with rectangles

This one went into my NJMQG's group quilt.

And an experiment with a different idea ended up as this quilt, which I made with the wonderful Indian cottons from Handloom Batik.

Modern improv diamonds with secondary hex pattern

Do you do a lot of experimenting and "what if"-ing before you plunge in and make a quilt? If you do, how often does all this playing around lead you to somewhere new and unexpected?


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