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an archeological dig

More or less. A few times a year, when I can't see a horizontal surface, I start the clean-up process. Yesterday was one of those times. This cutting board may look messy to some people, but I forgot to take a picture earlier. This is the halfway point of sorting through the piles and getting rid of the teensy bits. (well, at least some of them).

messy cutting board

Now it is all cleaned up. Isn't that better?

cleaned up cutting board

Then there was the matter of the ironing space.

ironing board before cleanup

This took a little effort, but it was worth digging through all that stuff because I made some discoveries.

cleaned up ironing board

The cleanup is, in fact, an archeological dig. I never fail to find pieces of fabrics I had forgotten I had. The discoveries enable me to see things with fresh eyes. Here is a piece of fabric I shibori'd some years ago. What it was doing under a pile on the ironing space. I have no idea.

shibori'd fabric

As I was digging out the scraps of ethnic fabrics I am now playing with, there was a gray modern fabric in the pile. And then I came upon a bit of one of my favorite handprints, in just the perfect color to go with the other two.

I love the combination of modern, ethnic, and hand-printed. Serendipity: I would never have gone looking for these three to use together, but there they are.

What do you think? Do you think they work? If so, why? (or if not, why not?) And would you use them together?

P.S. I am using smaller images - did this page load faster than the previous posts?

Have a happy 4th if I don't talk to you before that!


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