puttering around...
I has been one of those "I've been busy but I haven't done anything" days. At least, it seems that way. To make matters worse, here I am blogging in the middle of the afternoon, feet up in my messy sewing room, when I should be doing something useful.

Here was my day (it did get more productive).
Slept late
And woke to see, with great relief, that the Viet Vets truck was in my driveway, hauling away the 12 or so bags of clothing, linens, toys, and what-all that I am giving away. I am being merciless (for me, which is nothing to brag about). My garage is clearer now, but probably not for long.
Watered the dying plants.
No hose on the deck, so I had to use my kitchen sink. It has been 90 degrees F. and even after one day, they are thirsty.

Attacked the pile of antique quilt and tops.
1930's-40's pink four-patch string quilt. Approx 68" x 80". Mint. It certainly has its own kind of charm. Hand-pieced. I expect I planned on finishing it, but oh well...here it still is.

I took this top to my Modern Quilt Guild meeting last night and one of the women fell in love with it and is the new owner. She plans to quilt it by hand. I'm so happy it will have the love it deserves.
Here is the pile I unearthed in the hall closet upstairs.

The Spider Web (green and yellow strips) on the right is my first quilt. It has two layers of polyester batting (1974) and weighs a ton. There is a small yo yo remnant from somewhere. I can't imagine where I got it, or why. Not my cuppa. Giving this one away.

The Double T is a fabulous quilt top that my husband and I fell madly in love with. I never quilted it because I thought it would devalue it. My notes say Late 19-early 20th C. Condition - mint. Believed to be African American top because of strips between blocks. Bought from Massachusetts dealer who bought it in Maryland.
Oh - haha - ignore my bare feet; I had to stand on the quilt top to get a picture.

What should I do with it? It is so graphic and gorgeous (IMO). Would you hand-quilt it? All those purple and brown fabrics - I'm afraid they will fade so I've kept it in the closet - which is ridiculous, because how can I enjoy it? ARGH. Would would you do if it were yours??
More, tomorrow.