where have I been?
Home, for the most part, and in my sewing room for much of that time. I am finally putting the facing on the quilt I have been working on for Usha. I gave myself a deadline and put off most other things till I was done. It's late, so I will finish the last of the hand-stitching tomorrow. Then, a fresh start on something else I want to try.

Monday was a city day: Phil and I went to the Museum of Modern Art to see the Rauschenberg and Friends exhibit and the Frank Lloyd Wright exhibit. The Wright exhibit was mostly his architectural drawings -- rooms and rooms of them. Some of the buildings were built; others were never realized. But honestly, too much detail to take in. I don't know what I expected, but that wasn't it.
The Rauschenberg was, as always, a pleasure.I had seen most of these works about 10 years ago at the Met but it was good to see them again, along with other works by his friends: Warhol, Jasper Johns, etc.
Remember when there was a brouhaha of outraged quilters when this piece (I think it is titled "Bed.") was first exhibited? They ranted about Rauschenber's desecrating a QUILT -- as if it weren't already a "cutter" before he even touched it.

By far the most interesting exhibit was the one of Women Artists who did abstract work but were largely ignored at the time. Many I had not heard of, along with people like Louise Nevelson, Gego, Elaine deKooning, Joan Mitchell, Lee Krasner, and others. I took only a couple of pictures and of course, forgot to write down the artists' names. ARGH. I would gladly have taken this one home. Sorry for the lack of attribution:-(

Weather has been beautiful and more of my daylilies were in bloom this morning. Too bad they last only for a day.

Wee hours of the morning and I apologize for no translation into French tonight. Will see you anon.