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the joys of travel

Well, the last time I flew it was before March, 2020. At that point, a couple of my 2020 teaching trips were rescheduled -- one to August 2021 and one to January 2022. And just in case, I am (as you know) working on an online class. In fact, I believe online may be great because we have all learned to do everything without leaving our homes.

So here I am, at Palm Beach airport waiting for my DELAYED-by-an-hour flight to Newark.(if you look carefully you can see the very iPad I am using).

I am on my way (eventually) to spend a week in NJ visiting my kids, grandkids, and a couple of friends. I will be visiting my daughter who now lives down the shore, and the weather report says BAD storm on the Jersey coast. I don't mind if it waits till I get there but I do not relish driving a rental car down the Garden State Parkway in a bad rainstorm.

I have left my computer and my sewing machine at home so I can have a real break.

So, I hope to fill the next two hours reading something good while I wait for an extra hour.






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