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Did You Miss Me? I AM SO SORRY

I just wrote a whole blog post to bring you up to date on why I have not been able to blog for a couple of months and WIX lost the post before I could publish it, even though it was saved.

My website and blog were hacked and it has been impossible to get on the site to post, plus I had a couple of health issues to cope with.

I am fine now.

During this period I traveled to teach the classes that had been Covid-Cancelled and were rebooked now in-person. Went to Michigan to teach my Cinderella Quilts class, which was great fun for everyone. And I flew to Las Vegas to lecture and teach two classes.

Most Exciting of All...

I flew to Dallas to tape The Quilt Show with Alex Anderson and Ricky Tims (did you really need last names?).

I can't begin to tell you how much fun it was and how much we laughed as I tried to show them how to do improv. Even the crew was laughing as I made an idiot out of myself:-).

It was great - except for the lost luggage debacle (thank you, Delta Airlines:-( . All my quilts for the show were in my luggage and when we changed planes in Atlanta, "we" did not include my quilts. They finally arrived the next day, just before we had to tape the show -- but the aggravation was enough to make me decide to stop flying to teach! I will teach in FLORIDA, which is driveable or a short hop within FLA that does not include stopping in Atlanta to change planes.

I will eventually join the other ZOOM teachers (as soon as I can figure out how to screen share, LOL). But seriously, my next project is teaching online classes like the rest of the world. That, too, will take time but I will let you know about that as soon as I am ready to go live and how you can sign up.

During this Covid and post-Covid period, I moved my studio to another building where I could get a first floor space. The movers just dropped everything and the whole place is in chaos, so I haven't been able to work. Still setting it and arranging it (hello, IKEA - I need more storage). During the mess, I am trying to work at home (a recipe for more mess - LOL).

Here is my at-home design wall. (the wall between dining & living rooms). Not very efficient; I am in the process of getting someone to help me put up a new design wall in the STUDIO.

While I am between website providers and redesign, I have a few questions about what you'd like to see in my new website/blog.

(when it is finished)

To answer the below questions, please Leave me a comment or email me at or text me from your phone to mine 973-454-8930.

*. What has kept you reading my blog for all these years?

*. Would you like to see a few improv mini-tutorials here and there?

*. What would you like to see more of ?

*. Less of?

*. How can I make it better? (or is that impossible? LOL)

Again, I apologize for the nonexistent and infrequent posts but once I am up and running on my new webpage/blog, we will see more of each other.

P.S. If you have given up and unsubscribed, please resubscribe. This blog will be here (I hope) until the new, improved one makes it debut.

Trust me, I will let you know.

And if this post will let you leave a comment, let me know you are still with me. I miss you.

much love,



Jun 04, 2022

Yes! Online workshops/tutorials would be fabulous -- on any kind of improv. Maybe one on creating smaller pieces?? I love putting fabrics together and I hate to measure. And I'm lousy at it. No matter how careful I am, I'm always off a tad and drive myself nuts. Finding your books opened a whole new world for me. Love reading your blog posts. So real and down to earth! Thank you!


May 28, 2022

I'd love to have tutorials and/or zoom classes. Hope you feel more in control soon - too much going on at once for you. I do enjoy your books and your work. Hope to see more on your blog.


Juli Jarvis
Juli Jarvis
May 23, 2022

Yes! I missed you! I don't have any particular recommendations; I enjoy everything you post, whether news, recipes, or quilts! Traveling can be such a joy or a pain! Sorry about all the problems you had!


May 23, 2022

Sorry about all your tzuris! I always enjoy seeing your process shots and would be interested in taking a zoom class. Good luck with everything.


May 22, 2022

Hi Rayna. Still here! But now I am a little panicky, as I have a flight on Delta next month connecting through Atlanta. 😉

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