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YES, I AM BACK.. Hand problem finally diagnosed and I am due for hand surgery in July. Will be happy when the left hand is no longer numb. It iis manageable right now, so I am able to type in short bursts (this is one of them) before I have to take a break. The typos are mostly under control but I often have to type things twife (see what I mean??) so they make sense.

The fact that I have not been able to write my blog and have a two-way conversation with you (my posts and your comments) has made me very lonely, so I hope this post will get to you and you will comment, as always.

I am having a new website designed (again!) going back to WIX --, but it is taking so long that I want to at least get my blog out. I hope it gets to you. PLEASE let me know if you receive this post; I'm not sure my sign-up list is still working. Otherwise, text me @ 973-454-8930 or email me to

have been on a triangle binge for quite a while and now that I can get back to work, I plan to play some more with this shape. I have one quilt done but it won't post to this blog. I hope to get a photo up at some point. Meantime, above are the experiments. Should I use them all in one piece?? hmmm.....

Tomorrow, hopefully I am heading for the studio. Fortunately, although I am left-dominant I can use my right hand with the rotary cutter, so I plan to play and experiment for the next few days.





Jul 03, 2023

so happy that you are back


Jun 21, 2023

Hi Rayna!! I've been thinking about you lately...I've been printing my own fabric and using it to make quilts.

Aug 11, 2023
Replying to

WOW! Send me photos of what you've made with your own fabric! I haven't printed in ages but am thinking about getting back to it (if I can drag myself to the studio, where I can make a mess.🤨email- or (I THINK it works).


Mary Wingate
Mary Wingate
Jun 21, 2023

Hi Rayna!! So happy to hear from you 💗. Sorry to hear about your hand issues and hopeful for your speedy recovery. Isolation has been an issue for many of us, we tend to turn inward when we are "having issues". That's been true for me as well. I think of you often and with much fondness! 💕💕💕🥰 From Mary Wingate

Jun 22, 2023
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Mary, so glad you signed your name so I know who you are. "Unknown Member" or 'Guest' just doesn't do it. Why don't you sign up as a member so your name comes through at the beginning? So happy to get your email - it makes me very happy.

Wow, it has been a long time! xo


Leslee Kosloy
Leslee Kosloy
Jun 21, 2023

Great hearing from you. I missed you. Leslee from Henderson Nevada

Jun 21, 2023
Replying to

Leslee-It has been forever and I am so happy to hear from you. Since my website/blog stopped working I have really felt isolated. Now, for some reason, it is back - but it is my old site because my new website isn't up yet. Don't ask! All I care about now is that I have a working blog for the time being -- and I will keep posting (although not every day).

Love, Rayna


Jun 21, 2023

Good to hear from you! Sending lots of good vibes That you will soon be all well & able to work more easily.

Jun 22, 2023
Replying to

Dear Guest, Thank you ffor the good vibes - I think they are starting to work.😀 You should sign up for the blog and then I'll see who you are when you post. Or, you can sign your name to your message if you choose to remain a "Guest."

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