am I connected?
Finally, I am able to blog from my iPad while I am in Paducah. Have been playing and sewing and here is what is on the wall..
If you didn't happen to see it on either Instagram or FB, here is a look, although it is just a top, and not quite finished. I did bring a quilt with me, ready to stitch, but it is

much more fun to do the creative stuff. I am teaching a class September 23-24 at Artistic Artifacts in Alexandria, VA on using ethnic fabrics in modern quilts, so I have been playing with ideas.
Yesterday, Phil and I took a walk to the Quilt Museum and I have to say we made quick work of it. Then we walked around downtown, stopped at the Yeiser, and admired the wonderful buildings. Pix are on my phone and it is charging, so I will have to save them for another post.