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a change of scene

is always good for jump-starting creativity.  At least, I have found it so.  I've been in Paducah for less than a week and have been lucky enough to work in Helene's spacious studio, cutting, sewing, and putting pieces on the design wall

A couple of days ago I posted a piece I made with triangles. It started as a couple of sample blocks for a class and ended as a complete top.  

Yesterday I decided to use up all the cuttings and triangle scraps to see what I could do with them.  Up on the wall tonight, the result.

Not. layered and quilted yet, but It will go home with me tomorrow (Wed) and join the other two pieces waiting to be quilted. 

But first, I have to start another piece, which is a commission. I don't do commissions, but this one was a "make whatever you want, I will love it" order. Perfect!

I have a friend who once took a commission for a sailboat quilt, which she detested making and hated the result.  But the customer loved it and she got paid. You could not pay me enough to do the same!

Do you do commissions? How do you feel about somebody giving you an order to do something specific, even if it is something you know you will not like making?  Everybody feels differently about this. 



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