Bloggers' Quilt Festival
I can't remember whether I ever entered a quilt in this event, the brainchild of Amy Ellis, who blogs over at Amy's Creative Side. This link should get you to the page for the information, if you want to join.
This quilt is on the cover of my upcoming book, but it's only one version of this improv, no-pattern quilt. I'm going to post it on the Blogger's Quilt Festival.

Over the past few days I asked myself "what if?" and experimented with the same way of working, same process -- but I made a change. I put the experiments on my wall this morning, in audition mode. Look how different it is from the quilt above.

There's no end to the variations! I have a bunch of other ideas I want to try this weekend. We'll see what develops.
In the meantime, no matter what you are working on -- ask yourself "what if?" and play around with some variations. If you are using a pattern, grab a block and see how you might vary it and make it your own. Improvise and you'll never get bored!
And send me a picture of the block you used with the pattern and the one you made by changing it in some way. Have fun!