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Hi from Houston

So sorr

 y I’ve been quiet — life has gotten in the way.  I’ve just put my house on the market and the craziness there has started, but I arrived at Quilt Market Friday afternoon.

Got to the Convention Center, where I was greeted by these very helpful signs. 

Then I made my way to the room where I participated in a “Schoolhouse”, which is an info session for shop owners, given by those of us who have new books.

Saturday, Market was set up and open for business.  I had a list of people I wanted to see, so off I went and checked off my list, which still has a few unchecked.  After lunch, I made a video about the book, and today Book signing event.

No trip is complete without great food.  Dinner Friday at Pappadeaux, fab New Orleans fish restaurant.  Therein lies a tale, which I will post later.

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