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No time to do Improv!

Have been packing boxes, throwing out STUFF, and filling bags and boxes to donate all those kitchen items I don't have room for in my Florida apartment.

Still tripping over bags and boxes of fabric that need to be tamed and boxed or put into plastic bags. I suppose this is not much worse than it normally looks, but at least I can usually clear a path to the cutting table. Not now.

I was in Florida for a couple of days last week to measure walls and was relieved to see that I already have at least two sewing machines there: my trusty Singer 301 and the little Brother I bought as a lightweight. I gave my Singer 99 to my daughter-in-law Nancy, who had given her Featherweight to my granddaughter Kayla. She is going to take quilting during her winter semester at college. How cool is that??

On Sunday, Nancy and my daughters Hilary and Jessica showed up to help me.

Nancy helped me pack part of the kitchen, Hilary's refrain of "Ma, throw it out!" was very helpful, and Jessica went through some of her photos and letters and decided she didn't need them. I might add that none of them consulted the others before getting dressed that morning. Pretty funny!

Here is the living room, shorn of furniture and set up for an estate sale. There is more in the basement.

The problem with collections is that at some point,you have to get rid of them. I love my vintage tins and signs and other things, but now someone else will be able to love them (until they, too, have to get rid of them).

It's not much different with fabric, is it?

What do you collect and what about it makes you happy? What would you want to hold onto if you had to downsize?

Leave me a comment and if your number gets picked, C&T will send you a free e-book of Create Your Own Improv Quilts: Modern Quilting with No Rules & No Rulers. Good luck!! And stay tuned for the winner on December 8th!

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