empty nest
Literally. I've spent the past month in a frenzy and by some miracle, I was almost ready when the movers came to pack the truck today. Here is what my sewing room looked like a week ago.

A couple of days ago I was able to carve out 1/2 hour to make a sleeve for my QuiltCon quilt, but haven't had time to sew it on. As soon as I finished making the sleeve I packed the sewing machine (bottom left). The room was already sort of looking cleaned out...but it's the little stuff that is so difficult: should I take it or throw it? Do I REALLY need it? blah blah blah

Fast forward to this very minute. The only thing left is my modem and that will go with me when I leave tomorrow.

Everything is packed but some things in the fridge. The coffee maker, the coffee, the cups, the knives sharp enough to cut anything. What was I THINKING?? I will be forced to go to Dunkin' Donuts for my morning coffee tomorrow. I have two slices of whole grain bread and some Smuckers peanut butter I'll eat for breakfast. Of course, I didn't pack the toaster oven so I could have toast -- and now it's too late. No room in the car.

And since the bed is gone, I will be sleeping on the bedroom floor tonight. I'm so tired I won't know the difference. Phil and I were supposed to leave tonight and stay at a hotel, but yesterday's rain froze and I was not about to drive on icy roads at night. The floor looked like a good alternative.
This is about half of what was in the garage - this goes to the studio, along with the right-hand half of the picture above and a whole room in the basement that I don't have a photo of. OMG. Combining my home studio and my former outside-the-house studio in to one is probably a recipe for disaster. A lot of it will probably go once I am there and see what I have room for. Lots of paints, dyes, screens...argh.

Fortunately, my buyer bought my dining room table and chairs so I have something to sit on besides the floor or the stairs. And the upside of all of this is that I have to finish what remains of the pint of Haägen Dazs tonight so I don't have to throw it out.
So I say goodbye to my home of 21 happy years. This place has good karma and I am glad to pass it along to the lovely people who are going to make it their own.

Will keep you posted when I get to West Palm Beach in a few days. xoxo