one step at a time
I've been slaving away at the studio - putting fabric into bins and moving furniture around. It's getting there...slowly but surely.
This is the view from my big old chair on the other side of the room.

These rolling thingies are filled with mountains of fabric that won't fit into the plastic boxes on the shelves. They can't stay where they are, since this is where I am considering putting my design wall. Previously, the metal shelving was there, but I have moved it to the other side of the room. Photos tomorrow.
Those two tables in the foreground are there merely to see whether I can create a 4 ft x 4 ft cutting/ironing station in the middle of the room with some storage underneath. Not sure this will work, but there are lots of brilliant ideas on Pinterest that might do. I've saved a bunch of ideas. Unfortunately, my studio is smaller than some of those super-spacious rooms pictured. I see a lot of furniture-moving in my future....
I have more bins filled with Indian, Malaysian, African, and Aboriginal fabrics than
any others. Couldn't resist taking a picture of these colorful scraps as I threw them into a box. And I can't wait until I can sit down and use them. I'm beginning to have withdrawal symptoms.

And here is the other thing: I could stay there to work at night -- it's perfectly safe. But once I come home for dinner (a big 5 minute drive) I don't want to go out again, and I sometimes want to sew at night. Sigh...will have to figure out some storage so I can use my 301 or my old Bernina on the desk when I'm home alone.
Such are the vicissitudes. For now, I am going to read.