Last day at QuiltCon
It has been great making new friends and seeing old ones, and I am still not on quilt-overload, believe it or not. There are some spectacular ones here, and some real (what I call) head-scratchers. But there is no accounting for taste and that’s what makes the show so interesting.
This is the winner in the negative space category and notwithstanding the category, I think the design and color choices are outstanding.

Here is a quilt by Carolyn Friedlander I kept coming back to, and I’m not sure why. I find it comforting, and yet the positive/negative and varied triangle sizes keep it interesting. I want to turn it in all four directions and see how it changes.

When the triangles are vertical the quilt has a whole different feeling.

Another take on triangles.

I thought this one was fun.

And here is the winner of Best in Show. It is blue and white.

These are just a few -- but more pictures tomorrow as I process the show and get back on Eastern Time.
If you were there, what did you think about this year's entries?