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Eyes, quilts, and other miscellany

Yesterday I went to the eye doctor. Failed my eye test at the Driver's License Bureau because I have an irreparable condition in my right eye. The lady told me to put my glasses on and I told her it wouldn't make any difference, so she handed me a form and told me to have the eye doctor fill it out. In other words, an official document that indicates that you are ok to drive even if you are partially blind in one eye. That explains a lot about Florida drivers.

This morning I spent 2 hours at a retinologist's. After 8,000 different tests and scans and photos, he concluded that I have great vision for a person with blind spots. LOL.

Spent much of the afternoon in the studio, trying to decide how I should quilt this piece. Maybe you have some suggestions, because this is the part I hate.

modern improv paper pieced

Remember, I only do straight lines - but the direction can change. No fancy stuff in that blank space!. I finally got a walking foot and tomorrow will test it out on somethig else to see if it works.

Seriously, what would you do if this were YOUR quilt? I would love to know! Maybe it will give me an idea. Thanks in advance for your brainstorms.

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