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welcome to my studio space!

After what feels like eons of upacking, throwing out, and moving stuff around, it's pretty much done. Yes, I wanted a snazzy studio with a beautiful cutting table in the middle of the room with underneat storage. But instead, I have a space that looks like mine always looked.

Sigh...I can't seem to escape myself so I have decided to embrace the result: quirky, mostly cluttered, and distinctly unglamorous. But it works. The sewing machine is in the middle of the room facing the windows and looking at my nice, welcoming corner near the door. A great place to sit and have a glass of wine in the late afternoon. (especially if I move the plant first).

Behind me, as I sit at the machine - more storage, my vintage Star Thread cabinet (thanks to my friend Audrey) and Minnie, in her vintage dress and apron. She was in my living room in NJ and I couldn't part with her. She makes me happy and keeps me company.

Next to her, perched on the thread cabinet, is my studio god, Sam. He keeps the evil spirits away and also makes me smile. I love him. Behind him is the kitchen. To his left is the bulletin board I covered with batting and made into a temporary landing spot for leftovers before I finished my design wall.

For at least two days I have been working on putting together a design wall. It's 6' x 6' and still needs a couple of nails to keep it where it belongs. I am so happy. Now I can work! It is on your right as you come in the door.

In this photo it is clean and blank, but later I moved all thse random triangles on the small wall above onto the big wall. Now I am deciding how I will use them. But before that, I have to sit down at the machine and finish quilting two quilts!

If you go past the design wall you will find my kitchen table and chairs from NJ in a small dining alcove. Not that there is any dining going on there -- but if I'm working through lunch or anybody comes in to visit, it's a good place to have coffee and cookies. Ahead, the bedroom (overflow guest room, really) and the small screened porch.

I have a ton of art that has to go up on the walls but I'm not in the mood yet. And the closets are overflowing with supplies, so I need to have more shelves. But all in good time.

The walls are stark white (though you can't tell from the pictures) and I have the most wonderful little track lights that give me daylight. Photo next time.

In the meantime, you have had the 50 cent tour. Come visit me if you are in Florida!

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