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studio journal #1

Sunday, June 10, 2018

It’s 1:pm and I finally got to the studio, had a quick lunch, and am deciding what is a priority today. I am working on so many things:

- a quilt that is done and needs a facing.

- another I need to finish quilting.

- a pile of washed fabrics I need to iron and use. SOON.

- class samples to make for an upcoming class.

- two triangle strips on my wall that I need to add to.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Where did Monday go? Oh, I know. Monday it rained so hard that I didn't leave the house.

This morning I went as a guest to a quilt guild in Boca where I am going to teach next year. I ran into four people I already knew from two other guilds and two of them invited me to join them for lunch. Afterwards, we went to Stitchcraft Boca, the wonderful fabric shop across the street from where we ate. It's a large, sunny shop that caters to both modern and traditional quilters. My two friends bought fabric; I wasn't even tempted.(do you see my halo?)

Afterward, I went to the studio for a couple of hours and puttered around until dinnertime.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Finally! Down to work!! Before I did anything else I sat down to finish the facing on the quilt I've been quilting. Phew! Big sigh of relief that it is done.

Modern quilt with improv paper-pieced blocks from leftovers.

It's about 43 x 43 and it hasn't told me its name yet. It might be destined to be Anonymous, but I've got an idea or two. Any thoughts?

I am still quilting the other white piece and will continue tomorow. I've had enough today - and please remind me never to make another white quilt.

Stay tuned for more of the studio journal (if I remember to take pictures to remind me what I did yesterday LOL).

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