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Studio journal #3: do I remember what I did today??

Wednesday, June 27

It's all a blur. Know that feeling? My life is so boring that the big excitement was discovering a new food market this morning on the way home from doing errands. After I had bought some random items, I stopped at the Indian grocery store for cumin seed and fresh curry leaves. What I really want is my own curry leaf tree! Tonight, I started to make samosas, which I have never done before. Will finish tomorrow because I am going to bed shortly. Up too early this morning!

Spent some time in the studio this afternoon and would have stayed longer but the water company was doing work and had turned off the supply in the building. Plus, my a/c kept shutting off and it is leaking like crazy. I am getting a replacement on Saturday.

Thursday, June 28

Don't ask about the samosas. Not enough salt and too much of something else - not sure what. I know exactly what they should taste like, so next time I will not follow a recipe -- I will follow my own palette and taste as I go.

Yesderday's couple of hours in the studio yielded some results which I was too tired to post about last night.

Remember all those leftover triangle blocks I was playing with last week?

leftover triangle blocks

I just couldn't make them work like that --they just looked too disorganized. So I rearranged them, added the rest, and this is how I left them yesterday. They will sit there for a few days and then we'll see. I think I need to tweak it - it's not totally done-- but honestly, I am. I think it's boring. Time to move on.

The scary part is the uncanny family resemblance it has to this quilt, which I finished a year or so ago. Of course, it shouldn't be a surprise since it was made with the leftover triangles I didn't fit into its predecessor.

Did you ever make the same thing twice and not realize it till you were almost finished? Sigh... Tell me about it.

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