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Quilt Wyoming - a week later

First, the good news. My Quilt Wyoming experience was wonderful. Lots of laughter with new friends, Grace Errea (r.) and our fun minders, Kelly and Mo, who drove us back and forth from the airport 2-1/2 hours away and kept us company on campus. Nonstop hilarity--we couldn't even stop laughing for the photo someone kindly took of us.

Classes were excellent, too. I'm always amazed at how much my students get done in one day, considering that they are dealing with something entirely new.

Here are a few of the in-process pieces from the string class, which show what can happen when you ask yourself "what if??"

I must admit I had thought about experimenting with two different background colors, but haven't had time to try it. Very cool!

This setting is totally different and doesn't it look great with black?

Nice color choices and the block on the left just goes to show what can happen when you experiment.

And what a modern look this has with the use of solids/hand-dyes and the changes in scale from block to block.

I cannot wait to see pictures of the finished pieces!!

Day two was No-Pattern Paper Piecing - an improv approach to a typically structured way of working -- with only one or two lines of stitches to rip. Really! Kathy unified these scrappy piees by using yellow in all of them.

Marybeth tried a variety of fabrics and decided she liked the bottom block best. I think they all have their own charm.

So that's the good news. Stay tuned for the trip home in my next post.


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