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first stop, Paris

I can't believe this is my fifth (and last) day in this city.

I am staying with my cousin France and two of the days were spent visiting family.

As you can see, we didn't enjoy ourselves very much.

One day we did ordinary things like the supermarket, so I could buy as much Amora mustard as I can carry home: six little ones,which would cost me ten times as much if I were to order them on when I got home. You can't buy Amora in any supermarket in the U.S. that I have ever seen.

We went to the marché so France could buy some good local berries.

And we went to the sports store where I shopped for a light jacket because I forgot that it can be cool in Bretagne. This is what happens when you live in a tropical climate like Florida!

One day we were tourists! We went to Boulevard St. Germain to an exhibit of Unicorn tapestries from the 15th century at the Musée Cluny. Formidable!

We had drinks at a café and then outdoors to dinner at Procope - a wonderful and famous restaurant dating from 1686. I was there in 1965 with my class from the University of Strasbourg, where I studied for the summer and was thrilled to come back all these years later! Benjamin Franklin ate there, as well as a host of other American dignitaries who were in Paris in those days.

I cannot begin to say how wonderful the food was. We ate outdoors.

The best soupe à l'ognion I have ever had!

Today we are going to my beloved Marais, so more to follow in my next post.

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