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In the interim...

As you can tell, I never did get that minute to post. I am home now, but that's another story. Week two was another nonstop and another delightful group of women who bonded so well that they want to continue with an email group. Hope it happens!

Between classes I had one day, which I spent happily with Chantal and Olivier, seeing the sights in Quimper. Chantal was in my first class and they were generous with their time to make my day a pleasure.

We stopped first in Pont l'Abbé to see the famous bridge with houses built on top of it. Yes, people live there.

Then we went to the Breton museum. Brittany has quite a history and a unique culture -- and the costumes were quite something to see. The light was not good enough for photos, but Google images has lots of pics of traditional Breton costumes.

Then it was on to Quimper, which is a lovely city.

I loved the large square near the catherdal.

It was lively! Full of families, restaurants, shops, and an indoor food market where I couldn't resist taking photos of the fish. The sign translates as Sea Spider. Looks to me like a crab of some sort. But what it that spiny creature toward the back?

Later, we had moules frites - one of my favorite meals! Here is Chantal eyeing hers (or is it the lovely bottle of wine?). It was all yummy!

Next post - some pictures of the class. I'm still trying to get used to the time change. Awake at 4:am today - ugh! Stay tuned.

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