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now, where was I?

Ah - about to post some of the pictures of my second group of talented French (and one American) quiltmakers. Such fun!

I seem to be back on U.S. east coast time, after a week. Thank goodness!

Five days allows a lot of time to teach a variety of things, and we were able to cover a lot of territory in the Modern Improv department. So here, some photos from my week 2 class in Brittany. It's amazing what you can do with rectangles once you start cutting and playing. I was delighted with the variety my participants came up with! I didn't get them all, but here are some on the design walls.

And here are a couple of cool riffs on the kite blocks.

And this one cleverly combines both the kite and rectangle blocks!

The last day, we had fun with a round robin. Each of us (me included) started with a square of fabric, which went around to everybody. Some of us used ugly fabric to start with, some people added ugly fabric, but in this no-rules/no-rulers, very fun activity, we all were delighted with what came back to us!

I would love to see what everybody does with her block. When I need to play, I will use mine as a starting point and see where it goes from there.

Now - off to the studio for the first tim in a month!

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