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have sewing machine, will travel

Not normally, but there's an exception to everything. I flew once with my sewing machine and swore I would never do it again, after the TSA insisted on taking it out of my carry-on and practically disassembling it to find whatever nefarious item they thought it might contain. "It's a SEWING MACHINE!!!" I said -- to no avail.

But this time, I would be gone for a month and could not imagine being without a machine. So I brought my little Brother, wrapped in bubble wrap and a bath towel -- and this time, nobody blinked an eye. The difference between flying out of Newark and flying out of Palm Beach, I suppose.

I am trying to fit in time to play with fabrics and sew in between the dentist, the hairdresser, and the upcoming root canal (bah!).

I'm teaching this class for the NJ Modern Quilt Guild on Friday --unfortunately, only a one-day class - but they will get started, anyway.

Improvising with Rectangles

2 days

Variations on this simple geometric shape will open up infinite possibilities for modern design. Using solids, you will create one-of-a-kind units to combine in endless combinations. As you design your no-pattern quilt on the wall, we'll discuss color, value, use of space, and composition. And you will learn to use your eyes and your instincts!

You won't be able to resist experimenting with clean design in this basic and versatile shape. Come play, and you'll go home with lots of ideas for new modern quilts.

Naturally, I've been playing around with my own leftover rectangles - cutting, adding, experimenting to see if I can use them for something new and modern. I had something else entirely in mind to try, but somehow, here I am. LOL. I simply don't have room for any more leftovers. HELP!! I am being buried.

Speaking of rectangles, while I was waiting in the Palm Beach airport for my 5-hour delayed flight (don't ask), I spotted this piece of artwork on the wall. Inspiration, anybody??

If you use it as a jumping-off place, send me pictures.

The weather has been so beautiful in NJ that I wish I could bottle it and take it and the gentle hills back to Florida with me. Warm, sunny (except for last night's thunderstorm) and verdant. I would have wished to see the trees starting to turn red and orange, but it has been too warm and wet. Nonetheless, I'll take it! Here is my daughter's backyard. If I find turning leaves anywhere, I'll take a picture. It's a REALLY late Autumn-- but of course, there is no climate change.

Apologies for not having posted in a while -- but I've been on the move. It's nice to be in one place for a while! Looking forward to teaching on Friday and Saturday and hope to have something to report by then:-)

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