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rectangle improv-

It was so good to be teaching at my home guild: North Jersey Modern Quilt Guild, which my friend Aleeda and I founded some five years ago (although it could be six and feels like forever). I was so happy to see old friends and to meet new members I hadn't known before today. Most of them had never worked improvisationally, but you would never guess it by looking at their work! The guidelines were simple: work in a limited palette of light-medium-dark values, start with rectangles, and do whatever you'd like with them. Design on the wall (the hard work, as I mentioned in my last post).

I didn't get pictures of everything before the pieces were taken off the design walls. All were still in process and some will change before they are done, here are several in the works for your viewing enjoyment. I hope they will send pictures to me when they are done.

Tomorrow, another class. Fun!

P..S. - no root canal. The tooth was too broken to be saved, so a much more complicated process. Never a dull moment.

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