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packing up the quilts

I came to New Jersey almost a month ago to teach at two guilds and it doesn't seem possible that I'm leaving to go back to Florida in two days. I thought a month would be long, but it has flown! Two lectures and three days of teaching later; bookended with visits to my dentist and to my kids, grands, and old friends, I am heading to warm weather.

One of the joys of being here was that I was able to drive to the Hudson Valley to visit my friend Susan and to see Usha. What a joy!

One of the classes I taught to the more traditional guild was "modern quilts from old blocks." It was only a one day class - but it was enough to get the group started slicing up the uglies and making them better. They didn't take before & after pictures, but I brought along some examples of my own befores and afters to show them and I'll share a few with you. These days I'm more likely to cut up experiments that aren't working -- and I have plenty of those - LOL!

These were vintage blocks from my collection that I reinvented: small pieces I made some years ago. They are fun if you don't hae a lot of time and want to work with only one or two blocks instead of a whole quilt.

new quilts from old blocks

Have you cut up/taken apart old quilt tops or blocks and made something fresh and new with the pieces? If you have, I'd love to see them!

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