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a quick NY visit

Before I headed to the Hudson Valley I spent the weekend in the City dressed in two sweatshirts and a borrowed down jacked. And SOCKS. I never wear socks! But it was a bit nippy last Saturday. On the way from the Port Authority bus terminal to the subway, I walked through what was once the heart of the Garment District. Sadly, there were too many once-thriving fabric stores with signs like these.

I spent Friday night and part of Saturday in Brooklyn, with Jessica, Tommy, and Miss Emma, who is a whirling dervish. She stopped whirling for a minute so Jessica could take a few pictures of us. You can see what a terrible time we were having.

After Emma's dance lesson I headed for the Upper East Side to visit my NY-based Gillman kids. There seems to be a plethora of signs outside of bars in all parts of the city. Here's the one I saw en route.

Went out to dinner with Ross, Nancy, and my grandson Zander. I can't drink milk but managed to find a substitute that goes better with Mexican food, anyway:-)

Tomorrow, back to Florida. There's a Nor'easter forecasted for NJ so United invited me to change my flight from 4:30 to an earlier one at no charge. So, off to the airport at 7:30 a.m. with hopes that there won't be a 5 hour delay as there was the last time I flew.


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