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Life in the slow lane

A month or so ago I decided to see if I could find any quilters in this village so I could get a group together. What I discovered was that there is already a small group, disguised as something called the Sewing Club. They meet at the clubhouse weekly and while the once large group has dwindled, they have been making charity quilts for 18 years. Who knew??

On Wednesday I went over and by request, gave them a demo of working improvisationally. I got them started with showing how I cut up ugly blocks and made fresh, new, quilts by adding fabrics. You know the drill. They have so many leftover blocks that there is no end to the possibilities for improvement.

Meantime, I have been going through my own period of the blahs and have spent afternoons in my studio just puttering around and cleaning up. Uninspired -- until yesterday. I was sorting through STUFF and came across a small pile of improv paper-pieced squares I had made as samples.

I made a few more yesterday and one today, and I have them on the design wall. Need to add a few more and then we'll see what develops. I may just keep it simple.

I walked so much today that I am ready to fall into bed. So that's it for now.

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