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domestic bliss-- or, what I did today

Rainy day in West Palm Beach - which is actually what we need. The lagoons are down so far that the hat that was in the water last week is now on dry land. Oh, dear.

I stayed home today, which was not what I had in mind.I was planning to go to the South Florida MQG meeting this afternoon, but since my car has several problems, I was afraid to drive it down the Fla Turnpike at high speeds. And low speeds are out of the question.

I couldn't get an appointment at the dealer until Tuesday, so much to my dismay, I had to spend the day doing chores: laundry, tossing stuff, and organizing my clothes closet...something I have needed to do since January. Ha - I can finally find my shoes!

I also finished re-facing my bed quilt from the book (I had washed it, forgetting that I had fused the facing to meet a photography deadline. Don't ask.) Today, I put it on the studio couch/guest bed. Of course, it is so heavy that nobody will be able to sleep under it, but it looks good and is fine for sitting and reading or for watching tv (which I don't do).

Now I have to figure out how to make bolster covers for the wedges because all the ones I've seen are ugly. I once made them, about 50 years ago, but have now forgotten how. And since I don't sew, it will be a highly

dreaded Project. I think in my studio I have a Singer Sewing Book from the 1940's or 50's which might be useful.

Waiting for another rainy day is the guest room closet, which would make Fibber McGee look like an amateur. On one side, practically floor to ceiling -pillows, blankets, and bins of photographs that I was/am going to go through someday before I croak. On the other side, my quilts. HELP!!!

When you move from a 3 floor townhouse to a 2 bedroom apartment there is no room to store 40 years worth of work. Time to cull the herd??

At least the rest of the house is neat...and I am really happy in this space. Here is my NJ kitchen, which I could never imagine leaving.

But I love my efficient IKEA 10'x10' kitchen, which is open to the dining room and has enough counter space.

How did I end up in the kitchen? Here, instead, is a quilt I think is in that messy closet, all rolled up. It was a challenge decades ago in my crit group, where we each pulled a quote out of a hat.

The past is over. The future hasn't happened yet, but as we experience the present it becomes the past. All we have is this moment: all we have is now.

Carpe Diem 1998

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