I'm always delighted when people send me finished pictures of pieces they had started in class. In October I taught in New Jersey. Today, Lenny Van Eijk
sent me an Instagram-worthy photo of the finished quilt. On October 7 I posted a picture of Lenny and me with her piece in progress. Here is the finished quilt! The quilting is perfectly suited to the piece, too! Thanks for sharing it, Lenny.

A month later I taught the same class in New York and Meg Mooar did something totally different. She filled the negative space with outlines and called it "Not a Fan..." because she's not a fan of negative space! LOL - I love Meg's sense of humor and look forward to seeing it when it is quilted.
Fun, Meg! Thanks:-).

It just goes to show you that I teach improv as a jumping-off point and everybody puts her/his individual spin and personality into the piece.
This is true of all improv quilts, no matter who has made them. If you work improvisationally (which means not using a pattern) I would love it if you'd send a photo to my email. I'm thinking that an exhibit of your work would be a fun thing to feature on my blog! Aren't you curious to see what other kindred improv spirits are doing?? I am!