cookies, quilts, computers
The cookies are from my downstairs neighbor in honor of the holidays! As she handed them to me, she said "if you like them, I made them; if you don't like them, I bought them." LOL.

The quilts are more for the Improv Gallery, which continues here. Three of these pictures arrived today and one has been waiting for my next post.
Els Gachotte, one of my wonderful French students, sent me this improv quilt for which she used a limited palette. The yellow is an unexpected and effective touch.

Juli Jarvis surprised me with an email today that contained 3 quilts! She started the first two in my Wyoming classes and I am delighted that she finished them.
These improv paper-pieced blocks just sing with that green -- and the gray background sets them off so well.

The background fabric is a subdued print -- a "what if?" that absolutely works!

Finally, a quilt that Juli did as a color challenge from paint chips she was given. This was total improv as she worked on the design wall and took pictures as she went along. (YESSSS!!!!)
The final design came together because she did take photos that showed values in black & white and she could see what and where she needed to add. Great job!

Keep 'em coming, people! It's always interesting to see what somebody else has done.
Frankly, I need some inspiration, myself. When I was in the studio today I added another piece to the pillow thingie, but mostly I was dealing with my 10 year old Macbook. At home, I have my 2015 Macbook Pro, but the 2008 model has been so slow I was tempted to throw it out. The operating system is Sierra -- too old to be upgraded The final straw was when my Safari stopped working, so I couldn't get onto the Internet.
In desperation, I did a search (from my iPad) on how to reinstall the operating system and lo and behold, I now have my Sierra back -- along with a working Safari. I got rid of a lot of STUFF and now it is running about 100% better than it was last week. Big sigh of relief -- a gift from the universe for the new year!
Wishing all of you a happy holiday season as the year winds down.