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Taking a breath

Have just returned from teaching in Sarasota. The drive across Florida from east to west one route 75 wins the Most Boring and Scary award, but the drive back on route 70 was actually lovely. Now I know which route to take if I go back to the West Coast of Florida!

Worth the drive; the class was fun and challenging and while I was so busy teaching that I forgot to take many photos, here are a few.

One of the class members had brought some yardage she didn't like and couldn't use, so she wanted to share it(aka - get rid of it). So here's how we shared it:

I gave each person a piece of the cloth and dared them to do something with it in a half hour. There were lots of groans.

But lo and behold, they rose to the challenge and pulled together a bunch of miracles - all improvised! (swatch bottom right).

It was such fun that I may do it again with another class! Ugly fabric transformed!

Back at home -

My cousin's daughter has come to stay and another relative has been a big help while my cousin undergoes treatments. I am now a backup rather than the solo first line. Hence, today I went to the bank, the post office, and took care of paperwork. So here I am, finally with a bit more time and energy to blog.

The next two weeks are busy and then I leave to teach at the Indiana Heritage Quilt Show.

Meantime, I may get some time in the studio if I am lucky.

hugs to all of you,

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