Improv Potpourri
As always, my students inspire me -- and the photo that arrived from Doris Goins this past week is no exception. This little gem, now finished, was from the class at the Indiana Heritage Quilt Show where I handed out the ugly fabric challenge. Such an unusual and striking color combination -- which proves that almost anything works together and you don't have to obsess over color choices!

This one was also improvised with one line of stitching through the paper. No-pattern paper piecing, which is a super way to use up all those pesky scraps. I swear, they multiply overnight while we sleep! Here's a photo that Juli Jarvis sent me. That dark background really makes the green sing.

Ha - you can tell how improvised this one was. Therapy sewing of sorts. Yes, after 3 difficult and busy months, I needed to sit down and work mindlessly. Would you believe this is a placemat? (or will be when I finish it). How corny is that? But it's mindless, small, and will be reversible. I think for the next several I will just sew strips instead of cutting/sewing/cutting. Strips are more mindless, which is what I need right now. I started to stitch it and was going to finish it at home tonight, but got sidetracked. What else is new?

I am up very late for me, so it's time to go to bed so I can finish this scrappy thing tomorrow and move on. Need to make 1000 phone calls and get the second part of my shingles shot. Hope you are all getting the new shingles vaccine, too.