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art and laughter

After more than a month of nonstop houseguests, I am catching up with my life. The day after the memorial gathering for my cousin Mimi seven of my best college friends arrived for a reunion we had planned two years ago. It was a wonderful five days of laughter, political discussions, eating, drinking, and trips to the beach and the wonderful Norton Museum, which recently opened after a two-year expansion designed by Norman Foster Partners. Gotta love the charming Oldenberg typewriter eraser sculpture at the entrance! This gives you an idea of the scale.

No sooner did the last of my friends leave than my family arrived to spend Passover and half of the following week with me. What joy! Always a lot of laughter -- especially between Emma and me. We always manage to get hysterical over something - or over nothing, and this is like many photos I have of us over the years. I have no idea what we are laughing about, but she thinks I am the funniest person she knows. Really?? Nobody else in my family thinks I'm funny. Frankly, she is the funny one.

Here are Emma and Jessica stretching and getting ready to do their Peleton run.

Hilary and I had a night of happy hour-ing at some of the high spots downtown.

The weather was gorgeous, so we sat outside at The Blind Monk for wine and a scrumptious small plate of roasted root vegetables, goat cheese, and pistachios.

Hmmm...the color and design of this food makes it a piece of art. Inspiration???

After everybody had gone back to the north and I had finished doing the sheets and about a million towels, I headed to the studio. I am teaching next weekend at the South Florida Modern Quilt Guild and stopped at the meeting today to show some quilts and talk about the classes. These blocks were still lying around until yesterday, when I decided I should do something with them. I originally set them 4x4 with 2" black sashing. But the setting was too overwhelming and too traditional for the blocks. What to do? Maybe making the long sashes skinnier would help (it did). And then, what if I offset the rows? Better - but I think the black horizontals are still too heavy. And there need to be either 3 or 5 rows - so I'm not finished yet.

What do you think?? Time to get out the seam ripper?

Today started out just fine until my temporary tooth broke and I had to spend the whole afternoon at the dentist. By tonight I was ready for a change of pace: baking!! That's as much therapy as sewing is -- and I was just in the mood to try the biscuit recipe from my gorgeous new cookbook. More on this tomorrow - I need to go to sleep after this (unexpectedly) busy day.


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