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Emma does patchwork

On her last vacation day here the 9 year old whirling dervish wanted to go to my studio. When she was six she asked for a sewing machine for her birthday, so I sent her a nifty little Brother that had all the features of a big machine plus an easy speed control and hand control in case she couldn't reach the pedal. I liked it so much that I bought one to leave in Florida - just as an extra.

Since she lived in Brooklyn and I was in Florida, I never had the chance to sit down with her at the machine. But she had a babysitter who was a fashion student and she taught Emma to sew.

When she saw all my scraps, she was excited - and I let her pick the pieces she wanted and put them together. Most were pieces of fabric but you can see that some were orphan blocks. I ironed them if they needed it and used the rotary cutter to straighten some of the edges, but she sat at the machine and went to work, making a square big enough for a throw pillow. She and Jessica left on Thursday and today (Sunday) I got this photo.

I wonder what fabrics she used on the back...

That's it for tonight. Thanks for all your ideas about my little piece-in-process in yesterday's post. xo

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