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My fridge hates me & a quilt challenge

After a few years of putting up with rotting vegetables, strawberries that go bad in one day, and the self that falls off the door every five minutes --I am ditching the piece of crap refrigerator I bought 4 years ago. Until now, the freezer has been ok -- but that ended tonight when I had to drink my ice cream. Sadly, there is a lot to throw out: Publix has a periodic buy one-get one free Haagen Dazs once a month (roughly) so I buy two and get four. ARGH. The freezer must know that I ordered a new refrigerator and is now getting back at me. Eviction day can't come soon enough!

The day started with an email from Atlantic Broadband (the condo's replacement for Comcast). I had it installed 2 weeks ago in the studio and already a bill that said "YOUR BILL IS OVERDUE - YOU OWE $74." Huh? Long story short - they thought I was a retail customer and billed me for TV, Tivo, and an outrageous price for renting the modem.

I don't need TIVO because I don't have a tv in my studio and I never watch tv at home: it's for Phil, when he is here. Plus, TV comes through the HOA, so I pay for only the Internet.

THEN I got a registered letter from my management company telling me that I was two months in arrears. Uh - NO. Both checks cleared a long time ago and their bookkeeper is a moron. Not in the mood for this stuff.

SO - to calm myself down I've been looking through my photos to see if I can find anything to inspire me. There are lots of wonderful ones, but these two spoke to me.

I took this in midtown NY one night on the way home from somewhere.

And I think this was in Philadelphia. An abandoned something-or-other.

Both offer infinite possibilities as jumping off places for a modern quilt. Neutral palette, quiet design, and enough elements to abstract, repeat, change the scale -- each is a nice challenge.

I'm going to bed (why am I up so late these days??) but will think about which one to start with. If you'd like to join me in a sort-of quilt along, consider challenging yourself to see what you can do with either of these photos. It would really be interesting to see how each of us interprets our choice.

Will check back with you tomorrow to see if you're game to experiment! Who wants to play?

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