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catching up with the past

I started my first blog on Blogger in January 2005. On May 30, 2017, when I redesigned my website and switched providers, I connected my new blog to my website. This is what you are reading now. There's a lot of content at my old blog and I wasn't able to migrate it, but my original blog is still available to read at

If you have insomnia one night or are sitting around one day with nothing to do, or you need a mindless break, you might want have a look at what I was writing here and there during those dozen years--especially if you didn't discover me until two years ago LOL

Here are a few of the works I did in 2005. I was printing in those days . This was for a breast cancer exhibit. Although I had not had that particular brand of cancer, I had had stage 3 colon cancer and could identify with what I called "bad hair day."

This piece was called Echoes and I integrated my screen prints with my strips, both of which were trademarks of my work. In 2013 I stopped printing because I had so much hand-printed fabric that I knew I would never use it all. I may dig into it again.

This was called "Blue Note," but my working title was Life in a Minor Key. I had been to a chamber music concert and wondered whether a minor key could be expressed visually. Always experimenting!

Finally, a totally improvised piece with strips of Indian fabrics from Handloom Batik. I love this piece and gifted it to Usha for Handloom Batik's booth at quilt shows. You may have seen it hanging there.

I discovered that the best way to see what's there is to go to the sidebar, scroll down to the bottom where the years are listed and click on the earlier ones to see the posts and work your way up. Some of them are pretty funny, so a few random clicks might be fun. Try it and you might be amused. Or not.

* and I'd love it if you would leave me a comment if you check out those posts from before I moved to Florida and became boring-))


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