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burning the midnight oil

I slept till 10 this morning - a totally rare occurrence which screwed up my whole schedule. Had breakfast at 11, lunch at 2, and dinner at 5. Now it is tomorrow and I'm sort of wide awake, blogging. (but not for long).

While I was scrolling through my photos earlier, I came across this string quilt which I probably made 15 years ago or more. I suspect I gave it to someone as a baby quilt because I don't have it anywhere. I love it because it's wonky and scrappy and I made absolutely no effort to have anything match. To me, that's the way string quilts should be.

Yesterday I sent out all of the blocks from the challenge, so those of you in the U.S. who are participating should have them by early next week. My friends in Europe may have to wait a little longer. Please, would all of you let me know when you receive them??

Also, since the blocks went out a little later than I had expected, I am extending the deadline to the end of July. The rest of the year is busy. As you know, I recently got back from teaching in Grand Junction. I will be in New Jersey for almost two weeks in June (OH JOY - I won't have to pump my own gas!!!!!!!) for family things and visits with friends. In July (visit to a friend in Paducah), in August (visit to a friend in London) and in September (teaching in Oregon). In November I'm teaching in Florida and in December I will stare into space.

Meantime, since I had no dessert when I ate out at 5:00, time for a post-midnight treat.

Elsie the cow approves and so do I. This pale green confection is basil ice cream, which I made last week with my bumper crop of basil (what else?). I happen to think it is lovely and will happily post the recipe if I get any requests.

Till tomorrow, when -- if I am lucky, I can get out of the house into the studio. We shall see. 'Nite.

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