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how long did it take you to make that?

I hate that question, don't you? Grrrr.....

Those of us who make art or anything else by hand that requires thought, care, creativity and most of all --time--knows what a silly question that is.

This series of triangles has been kicking around my studio in one form or another for a little more than a year. I had put them together in March, 2018 and unsure of whether I liked what I had, I took them apart. Today, in desperate need of inspiration, I put them together again. Yes, I am inspired. And I still don't know where to go from here.

It could take me another year of contemplation and unsatisfactory starts and experiments before I finally make a piece that works for me. (or not). Should it be longer? (see below). Will it be a central motif? Should I add another column? Can it be a horizontal? Or should I just cut up the units and use them differently? This is typical of my thought process once something goes on the wall. It's a starting point -- but in any case, the answer to the above question would have to be "two years." (or not ) LOL.

Into my carry-on bag these will go, along with a ton of other fabrics I am taking with me when I leave on Tuesday for a vacation. This trip is for ME! No teaching; just laughter and happiness and sewing for four or so days. So here I am again with triangles. I was in Paducah almost exactly two years ago and in my week there I started and nearly finished the tops of two - count ' em -- TWO triangle quilts with leftovers from a quilt I had taken apart. Here they are in process on the design wall

Both improvised and they came together so easily! There was no angst because I wasn't thinking about how they would end up. I just sliced and sewed and they told me what they wanted to be. SO - how long did it take me to essentially make two quilts?? Two weeks, if you count putting them together and stitching.

This time, I am starting with something already put together, which does not augur well.

Stay tuned. I may take my computer with me so I can blog while I am there. If not,

you'll hear from me when I get back after July 15.

And for those of you who are participating in my UFO improv block challenge - I already have pictures of two finished pieces and can't wait till the end of July to see the rest!! Have fun - and don't think too hard.

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