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TA DA!! Improv Challenge Exhibit!!

August 18, 2019 UPDATE

This was sitting in my outbox - for some reason, it didn't send. Came home to find out my email server was offline. GRRRRRRRR.....and nothing had come in or gone out while I was gone. Furthermore, the WIX software would not let me add anything after the last photo was added.

These pieces are all wonderful and imaginative, and I am thrilled to see the talent in this super group of participants. Can't wait to see the comments after I post this. You should all be very proud of yourselves -- and now you know what to do with all those random UFO blocks sitting around in your houses!

big hugs to all of you!

WOW!! Most of the results are in and while there are still a couple missing, I'll post them when they come in at some point. If you are a reader who missed the original challenge post, it was to transform two traditional blocks I picked up on the free table at the South Florida MQG. You are amazing! What an imaginative group - and everybody found it both challenging and fun.

Here they are, in no particular order, showing the "before" blocks that the participants received and then the results after they cut them up, added whatever they wanted to, and worked improvisationally to made a fresh new quilt quilt between 12" and 20" square.

Connie Akers

Sandra Ellison

Marty Mason

Marianne Chevally

Bev Chevront

Audrey Romonosky

Tova Starbird

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