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Cut from the same cloth

I had a fun time at lunch today with Nancy Fratz (hi, Nancy!). She reads this blog and reached out to me, as so many of you have done. I always love to hear from you! Turns out that Nancy lives in West Palm Beach - so we had to meet. (And here I thought it was a quilting wasteland). She's a kindred spirit, and it's nice to have a new quilt buddy. We'll be getting together to play, which is a treat because I am always in the studio alone. It's nice to have company every so often. Sorry we forgot to take a selfie. Duh.

So here I am in the studio again tonight. Cooking. There's a hurricane heading straight for the Palm Beaches so I'm trying to get some things done ahead. Since my induction range is out of order and won't be fixed for another week or two, I'm cooking on this horrible electric range in the studio kitchen. But beggars can't be choosers and I'm glad I have it.

Had some spaghetti sauce and by some miracle, some ground beef in the freezer. Made some meatballs, added them and extra tomatoes and tomato paste and it bubbled away for a while. I am waiting for it to cool so I can pack it into some containers and take it home.

While the sauce was cooking I cut some triangles. Spurred on by all the ice cream cone comments (here or in Instagram?) I'm back to playing with more triangles. What is it with me and triangles??

Love the fabrics and the combination but I hate that it is too regular. Looks like somebody else made it, so I'll have to do something about that tomorrow. I like the ones below much better.

Don'tcha think they are more fun?

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