O happy day!
No, I haven't blogged in much too long, but I am back.
My computer has been on life support for months and months and I have not been able to do much but post on Instagram and do email. But FedEx just delivered a brand new Macbook Pro into my hands and after I transfer everything from this one to the new one, I hope to get back to (what passes for) normal -- at least by the end of the week. YAAAAAYYYY!!!!!

I have spent very little time in the studio, but finally started to stitch this. And I had so many lopsided lines that I spent 3 days picking out stitches. Still have not put them back.

My workshops were first bumped from May & June to (optimistically) Oct & Nov. They are now floating out there somewhere and hoping to be rescheduled in person sometime in 2021. In the meantime, I will start to work on e-classes in case we are still in Covid-Land
next year.
Hello again, dear friends. FINALLY! (I think), I am up and running on my new (and so far, annoying) macbook pro. My hard drive was so full and the transfer was so slow that it took 3 full days to finish the job. When the Apple stores were open, they were able to transfer hard drive files & apps to the new model while you want out into the mall and shopped. Those days are gone, but I hope it will be another five years before I have to go through this again.
I was attempting to shoot a video or two but my iMovie didn't work because my hard drive was overloaded. I hate iMOVIE and would be happy to find another option for editing. Has anybody used another editor that is user-friendly?? In the end, my videos were so horrible that I deleted them and will start again to put together some classes, maybe this week. I've got 5 classes to work on for the groups that were bumped. So I'll start with those. But I'm also curious about what would appeal to you - what classes you'd love to take with me (see my books) if I were to offer them to individuals. Let me know in the comments below!
Look forward to hearing from you and am sending BIG virtual hugs!