It's one of those days.
*Got up late and eating breakfast as I type this (at lunch time).
* Reheated yesterday's leftover coffee.
*Went to unload the dishwasher and discovered I had forgotten to put it on last night.
And so on...
I had meant to get to the studio this morning because I have a quilting friend coming over this afternoon. She's cutting up blocks and bringing them so she can play while I work on my class stuff.
This is my Lady of the Studio. She stands next to the design wall and watches over me as I work:-). She was unclothed when I bought her decades ago at a house sale when I lived in New Jersey. I found her in the basement and schlepped her home in my station wagon. She stood in the corner of my livingroom forever and always made me smile. She's a 1950 size 12 (which would be a size 16 by today's standards). I dressed her in some vintage clothing (love that apron) and of course, brought her to Florida when I moved. I really should give her a name.

The table was in my kitchen in NJ and the placemat, as you can tell, is made from random scraps. I really need to finish the other three. Uh huh.
Ok, breakfast done and I'm heading to the car for my five-minute drive to the studio. It is a one bedroom/one bath apartment and one of these days I will give you a studio tour with more pictures. What does your workspace look like? Is it a spare bedroom? (mine was when I lived in New Jersey). Does it make you happy to sit down at your machine? Ifyou want to take a picture and email it to me r.gillman@studio I'll post it. What fun!
I'll show you mine if you show me yours.👍