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Ms. Invisible Shows Up

During the past umpteen months I've been working on developing some online classes. After having spent a lot of time on one class, I put it aside to finish later and started again with another fun and popular one.

I'm still at it -- working alone and trying to film yourself is not easy; I had some help from my partner Phil-cum-reluctant videographer who did a great job, considering the learning curve. I am on my own now, so - uh - no guarantees. But I have the video I made telling about the class so you can sign up to get notified when I'm ready to release it.

I've also spent a lot of time on the phone volunteering to contact South Florida voters to make sure they have their mail-in ballots and check whether they need any help. Almost everybody I spoke to is afraid to mail their ballot and have already put them in the drop boxes at the Supervisor of Elections in their county (which I did) or will drop them at the early voting sites, which open Oct. 19. Only one said she planned to vote in person.

No two teachers are doing these classes the same way; Some are doing everything on Zoom, others on an online platform, and still others a combination of both (which is what I am thinking about). I'm leaning toward the hybrid so I can SEE you and we can talk to each other but you can also watch the videos (LOL) a few times online if you need to. We'll see.

In the comments below, I would love to hear about your experiences with e-classes and what worked for you (and what didn't).

Here's the video I made as an intro - (just ignore the "I'm going to post it to my blog" comments I made just in case I post it elsewhere).

Leave me a YES! along with your comment if you want me to notify you when the class is ready to launch so I can send you a registration form.

Back to work!!




1 Comment

Oct 11, 2020

wow, I didn’t think you could leave comments on the iPad version. lol

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