ok, so....
Yes, I am really still here.
I have spent the last umpteen weeks trying to figure out how to run a Zoom meeting, including trying to figure out how to put up a background that isn't my kitchen. At this rate, you may have to look at my kitchen. It could be worse.
Today I took the morning off and wandered around a store that was not a supermarket. A bit of zen and a complete change of pace from sitting at the computer, the sewing machine, or the camera. Ahhhh...what a treat!
I have finally given up on working at my (roughly) 2x4 kitchen island and have decided to go back to the studio. I came home to work in the first place because I don't have central air in my studio and the air conditioner is so loud that when I play back the video, all you can hear is the roar of the a/c unit. And if I turn it off - I am in a sauna. But when (my partner) Phil gets back next week, I will let him help me schlep my stuff back and try a workaround.
Just as well. When I am home I am distracted by doing laundry, baking bread, and talking to my plants. How cute is this celery? I don't even like celery but I use it when I make soup, so I want to see if I can grow it on my windowsill. So far, so good. LOL.

My big design wall is in the studio, so I have been using my little portable one. These are some of the blocks I've been playing around with at my temporary studio as I make samples for NPPP. .

I have decided to move back to my studio and just have the a/c running 24/7 so I don't have to swelter and try to be engaging at the same time. LOL
Fast forward a couple of days -- I couldn't wait, so dragged everything back to my studio in another part of the complex (all that exercise; all those steps that my Fitbit loved). Today I was actually able to get down to work. Hooray!